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Wheel Theft



Introducing the Wheel Theft FiveM script! With this script, players can now steal wheels off of cars in the game. To start, players will need an item with the name "carjack" (item name is configurable) to take the wheel off. Once the player is close to any wheel on the car, they can use the carjack item and will be prompted with the ox_lib minigame (configurable). Completing the minigame will allow the player to successfully take the wheel off the car. The wheel will then be added as an item in the player's inventory, which can be used for roleplaying purposes or anything else you can imagine.

  • Take wheels off any car
  • Configurable notification system (qb, okok, ox and much more)
  • Latest qb and ESX version compatible
  • Script won't let you take a wheels off a moving car


  • none, script is standalone


0.00ms always

This resource is partly encrypted using FiveM escrow system. Only unlocked file is config.lua and some modules. We are happy to edit anything for you